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Personal ​

God has given my wife and me rich experience in ministry.  Both of us grew up with parents dedicated to Christian service and subsequently know what it means to be a family in service of Christ and His church.


Since my call to ministry, I have had increasing responsibility in congregational leadership, and it has been a blessing to watch God use these opportunities to glorify Himself.

Additional Info
Lead Pastor
United Baptist Church (Garden City, MI)

May 2017 - Present


Pastor of Education and Discipleship
Brownsburg Baptist Church (Brownsburg, IN)

May ​2014 - May 2017

Led Brownsburg’s Sunday School, Preschool, Young Adult Group, and Discipleship Ministries.

Children's Pastor
Heartland Baptist Church (Ames, IA)

August ​2008 - May 2014

Directed the Sunday School, Master Club, Kid’s Church, Summer Camps, VBS, and Kid’s Christmas Play while training and leading the volunteers of each program.

Teen Pastor
Brownsburg Baptist Church (Brownsburg, IN)

September ​2007 - August 2008

During my senior year of college, I had the oppurtunity to serve the teenagers of the church.

Ministry Intern
Twin Rivers Baptist Church (Marietta, OH)

June 2007 - July 2007

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Master of Divinity in Discipleship and Church Ministry

​Class of 2021​

Faith Baptist Theological Seminary

Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology

Class of 2009

Heritage Baptist College

Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies

Class of 2008

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